Monday, 16 January 2012

Allow me to introduce myself

First of all, thanks to everyone who has read my blog so far... I hope you've enjoyed. In the space of 24 hours I've stormed to over 100 page views so I'm well chuffed with that. The fact that I've been frequently going on myself and hitting the "refresh" button like a maniac has nothing to do with it...

How rude... I jumped right in without even having the manners to introduce myself. I apologise.

My name's Luke, I'm 22 and I come from North London. I'm ginger and I work for Mirror Group Newspapers (hence the hilarious blog name...). I've worked there for over a year now, so you could say I fell on my feet somewhat after finishing Uni... However it was more by luck than judgement as you will soon find out...

Until recently I was proud to say I worked in the most ginger department in Canary Wharf... Alright, there was only two gingers but we're only a department of three so it counts, OK! That's two thirds for god sake!! For once, I had cause to thank my hair colour as I think that's probably why I got the job in the first place, as I spent about half the interview going on about being ginger... and the other half talking about how I used to work in a pet shop but hated dogs and was allergic to cats... (but more on that in later blogs!). The other ginge recently went on maternity leave, and had a non-ginger baby... lucky kid!!

As you may have guessed, my hair colour has shaped quite a large part of my personality and I will partly be using my blog to publicise ginger issues, discuss my theories of gingerness and so on. 
Other key themes will be my love of football, and my (incredibly sad) attempt to visit all the 92 grounds in the English Football League -  I'm halfway already!! - which has led to me visiting sites of dubious cultural interest such as Rotherham, Gillingham and, worst of all, the toilet that is otherwise known as Tottenham. Let's be honest, why else would anyone go to any of these places. Ever?

I will also use this space to broadcast anything witty or amusing that I've thought up... sort of like a ginger Michael McIntyre. 
But funnier. 
...Needless to say these particular posts will be few and far between...

I've already mentioned my motivations for starting this blog but I feel I've unfairly missed one out... When I was at Notts Uni (the REAL Nottingham Uni, not the Trent scum) I used to do a weekly radio show with my housemate Andy on University Radio Nottingham (URN). The show was imaginatively named the Luke and Andy show (or the Andy and Luke show, depending on who you asked), and it just used to be about having a laugh, and talking utter rubbish!! The show is undoubtedly one of the biggest things I miss about leaving Uni and I'm hoping this blog will go some way to filling that microphone shaped hole in my heart. 

Until next time...

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